I’m so bored with my “stuff,” all the little inner dramas and patterns. All the repetition….the same old stories they tell. They’re like inner characters in the play of our lives. And they aren’t supporting characters, if you know what I mean.
We all have them. My clients have them. My friends have them. It’s just part of being human.
They aren’t ever going to go completely away. Some days they are stronger, and louder. Sometimes, softer and quieter.
Today’s character is the Over-Responsible One who wakes up thinking of her To Do List, and worked up about getting it all done.
Yesterday it was the inner one who seems to be charged with worrying about shortage and scarcity, time, money, etc.
These are familiar characters.
Today, I befriend them. I invite them into the sacred circle of my prayer and meditation.
I show them some love. Let them know that everything is really OK, despite what they see.
And I turn back to what matters, the center of my circle, and to what the truest, deepest part of myself knows, the Source of peace and love and wisdom. And I ground myself again in the love and light of the Divine, that I know so well, but forget so often.
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