I’ve been on sabbatical from my Blog over the Summertime, partly chosen, and partly gifted to me, when I fell in early August and broke my wrist.
It was all timely, that’s for sure.I could feel that my online business presence needed to be tweaked, but I wasn’t clear about the What or the How. When we aren’t sure about the What or the How of any transition, that’s our clue to step back and spend a little time exploring the “Who am I, here, in this new territory?” question, first, before we even try to sort the What or the How.
I didn’t have a plan.
I always think that I ought to have a plan.
But here’s the truth: we rarely have a plan, especially in the first stages of a life or work transition. I know, because I’ve been through so many of them, and I help my clients navigate them.
If we have a plan, it’s somebody else’s plan, or it’s going to change in the next 10 minutes.
We need a different way of navigating these big life changes.
So, this summer, I spent some time in Not Knowing Land. Even though I know the value of being there, it never feels like the most comfortable place to be. Our culture seems to teach us that we should have the answers and we should know where we are going.
I may not know where I am, or where I am going, when I am in the middle of a transition, but at least I know how to navigate it. I know for sure that when I step back and allow my inner guidance to lead, then I’m on the right path and headed in the right direction. I have a lot of tools that I use to do this, and this summer, I relied on all of them.
I’ve sorted through and clarified my business focus and direction, for now, and it’s good to be back.
Wow! Breaking your wrist – now that’s a way to ensure you have to slow down!
I hope it is healing well, Lynne, and send you much love and gratitude for all that you’ve helped me to navigate.
Thank you so much, Dorothy! “Yes” on ensuring a Slow Down, and gratefully, it is healing well.