I was standing at the shore of the pond down by the road. The wind was strong, intermittent and capricious. It played with the surface of the pond, like it was teasing the water.
One moment the ripples from the wind showed up close to the shore near me. With the next gust, the ripples were in the center of the pond. A moment later, the ripples danced in a spot way across on the far shore.
I stood and watched the pond for quite a while. I played a game with the wind, trying to guess where the wind would hit the surface of the pond next. The wind always won.
I thought about the ripples that we make in the world by who we choose to be. We have an opportunity to choose the energy that we bring to every interaction.
We are like the wind, creating ripple effects in others and in our world by how we show up to our actions and experiences.
And, like the wind on the pond, we don’t always know what effect our ripples will have. But we can choose what energy we are putting out there.
Yesterday, a friend told me that she still found comfort in something that I had shared in a workshop that we had both attended five years ago. I didn’t even remember saying it. I had no idea that something that I considered so minor had affected her in such a positive and long-lasting way. It was a ripple that I might never have known about.
What are the ripples that you send out into the world?
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