I often walk by a stand of Blue Spruce at the end of the day. It’s on the path where Harper and I take our evening walk.
At the end of the day, there are always Northern Cardinals and Chickadees settling in to roost for the night in the shelter of these trees.
I’m comforted by the presence of these birds as I walk by their roost. I have an all-is-well-with-the-world feeling as I watch them bed down for the night.
Nature has a rhythm to it, a comfortable cadence that sustains and nourishes life.
The settling in of the birds in these trees signals the end of the day. It reflects the quiet, grounding quality of dusk.
Nature is wrapping up the activity of the day and preparing itself for rest.
At dusk, activity concludes for these birds, and it is time to nurture and restore. They are following their innate knowing of what serves their well-being.
My daily rhythm is dictated by commitment and responsibility. I let myself be governed by clocks and schedules.
Tonight, I stop and watch the birds. I sense the winding down of their energy as they shift into night. I feel the wisdom of these cycles of activity and rest, and I know that this is a message meant for me.
Just for tonight, I will shift my energy into the transition of dusk when I get home. I will settle in to rest and rejuvenation. I will respect the natural cycle of life. This is the gift that these birds have given me.
What is your body and your wisdom telling you?
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