Yesterday, I wrote about what curiosity, my January Word of the Month, has taught me.
I am a month into my 2018 12 Words adventure of holding a word a month in my awareness, exploring what it means to me, embodying it in the way that I live, and learning what it has to teach me.
What has it meant so far, to live with a word for the month?
I have loved living with a word for a month, and I’m already looking forward to my adventure with embodying Vitality, in February.
For me, it was like having an amiable companion in my walk through life.
When I was feeling good, curiosity felt like a playmate, showing me things that I would have otherwise missed. I saw things as if for the first time. I discovered many surprises.
When I was feeling a bit of a wobble, curiosity nudged its way in, as if to say “What if?”:
- What if I’m not seeing the whole picture?
- What if something else is also possible?
- What if I look at this another way?
- What might also be true?
- What is my deeper truth?
When I remembered my commitment to curiosity, these questions emerged quite naturally and spontaneously, as if to ask them was to show respect to curiosity.
When I forgot about my word, I felt like I missed some of the richness and depth of my world.
I love having a word to companion me, and to inform me in my journey.
I’m very much looking forward to what I discover with vitality as my new companion, in February.
Lynne – Thank you for inviting me to curiosity, as well. Reading your blog makes me feel like everything’s going to be all right! Your writing and artwork are inspiring, comforting, and and unique.