Apologies for the late publication of this 12 Words stock-take; I meant for it to publish on March 31. It is an Operator Error: I forgot to push the Publish button! Sometimes life is so gloriously simple. 🙂 By now, I’m well into my exploration of Receptivity; I expect to have a blog post about it in a few days.
The first three of the 12 Words have taught me so much.
Eagerness (March word) is the quickening – a signal – that points to what’s emerging next through me.
- It arises spontaneously from within.
- It needs space to “land”.
- It’s the breadcrumb trail of my true self.
Vitality (February word) is the energy and aliveness that I feel when I am aligned with the creative flow of life unfolding.
- It is a commitment to presence.
- It’s a letting go of prior beliefs and assumptions of how things ought to be.
- It is respect for innate rhythm.
Curiosity (January word) is an intention to meet life with an open heart and an enthusiasm to discover.
- It is a commitment to embrace what is, and be curious about it.
- It is a “what if” way of being in the world.
- It is living with a sense of adventure.
As for the process of the 12 words, I could never have imagined how this practice of attention would enrich my life, when I began this journey in January.
It has grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and taken me on a road of greater awakening to my life.
More and more, I am releasing into and trusting the flow of creative spirit unfolding from within, as it takes me in and around and back and forth.
It is an unpredictable ride, and it takes me to unexpected places. I think my business is going in this direction, and it is “that”. I assume my health is this, and “that” shows up. And, always, wholeness is calling me to a deeper truth of fundamental well-being that is beyond the apparent circumstances.
As a life coach, I have always known that our lives are our greatest creative endeavors, and that it really is all about the journey and not the destination. I am now being challenged to live that knowing even more fully, in a wholly committed way.
What the 12 Words have done for me most, so far, I think, is to demand my full presence and attention, right in this red hot moment. It’s a cliche that the present moment is all we’ve got, but it’s more than that. It’s where all the curiosity, vitality, and eagerness of life actually are.
I am curious to discover what April’s word, Receptivity, has in store for me.
At first glance, Receptivity seems like a soft and passive word to me, but I am sure I will discover that it is much more than that, as I travel further on the path of greater vitality and eagerness in my life.
What have Curiosity, Vitality, and Eagerness taught you, so far?
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