We’re already at the end of April, and I have not posted much about Receptivity. This month has been very interesting, as have the past 3 months, with the 12 Words.
I’ve thought a lot about Receptivity, and journaled a lot about it. I’ve been committed to embodying Receptivity, as much as I can.
For me, Receptivity has been the most challenging of the words so far to understand, at a deep level, and to embody.
At first I thought that Receptivity is easy, just to receive. What could be easier than receiving?
But the more I learned and experienced Receptivity, the more it became clear that it isn’t a passive state. It’s an active practice, and an active presence.
It is a constant, conscious shedding, or letting go, of my expectations and assumptions of how things should be, or how they should go.
It is continual clearing of my “field”, so that I may be an open, fertile field of openness and awareness.
It is living surrendered.
It’s not a destination, but a practice.
To really receive the fullness of anything, inner wisdom, someone’s love, an opportunity, a possibility, a surprise, a challenge, we need to be open and aware.
And, if we are looking for something in particular, or we are expecting something to come in a particular way, we’re not open.
If we are assuming that something in our lives is broken, and needs fixing, all we tend to see is the “broken,” and we miss the inspiration that is flowing through us continuously, moving us towards an even fuller experience of deep well-being, and a knowing of our true nature.
Once again, it essentially comes down to living our lives actively present in the moment.
As I have said before, for me, that’s a pretty big challenge, but so worth it.
What have you learned about Receptivity this month?
Dear wise one- This comes at a very challenging time for me and articulates the challenge as only YOU can Lynne. Much love,