Standing on any threshold, but especially the threshold of a pilgrimage, is a physical embodiment of your “Yes!” to the journey. It’s your tangible answer to the Call.
And, it’s an invocation. You are invoking, or calling forth from within you, your commitment to be what it will take to do the pilgrimage (as best you know right now). (See my prior blog post on The Inner Journey for more about that.)
For me, when I stop to really sense the threshold moment (rather than just charging forward, full speed ahead), it is a mix of trepidation and excitement.
Part of me gets that in stepping over that threshold, I am agreeing to change, and to my life being changed. It’s a powerful moment, and it deserves our conscious attention.
Part of me enjoys going on an adventure, even one where there will be a lot of unknowns. That part of me is eager to begin the walk.
Of course, there is no way to know what is ahead. So, when I take the first step of my pilgrimage, I am trusting the journey and trusting myself, to find my way. I throw my trust behind the belief that by taking one conscious step at a time, I will get where I am meant to be.
I trust my heart and soul to guide me.
And, as I stand on the threshold, I take one last look at what is behind me, and then I step forward, into the unknown, and I turn my attention to what is ahead of me.
I trust in the process of taking one step at at time, and I agree to live, as fully as I am able, in the present moment.
As you stand on the threshold of your pilgrimage, what are you invoking in your life?
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