How do you keep the feeling of connection with spirit strong?
I believe that our connection to spirit is always strong; it’s part of who we are. But for me, I’m not always feeling it, as I tend to get lost in the tiny dramas du jour that often fill our days. And it seems like there have been a lot of those going on lately.
And when I get caught up in those things (remember that book from years ago? Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff), I lose my larger connection to vision, and who I am, and what really matters.
This is one reason why l love being on a pilgrimage, even a virtual one.
Having the pilgrimage top of mind helps me remember my commitment to make my spiritual life just as active a part of my day as the commitments that are reflected in my calendar and to do list.
For years, this felt like a noble but unachieved objective. I got all caught up with the practical aspects of incorporating a genuine spiritual focus into the rest of my life. What? When? How?
I guess the question that I was asking boiled down to: What is my way?
For me, finding my way of spiritual life (in the midst of the busy rest-of-my-life) proved surprisingly elusive. It has been a long journey of discernment and practice and feeling my way, and it is always morphing and changing.
The key for me right now is Space, and specifically, tiny spaces.
Tiny spaces to pause and take a long breath, and remember to feel my connection to the energy of spirit, to something greater than the me that is moving through my day getting things done.
This simple practice is so nourishing. In any moment, I can feel spaciousness and a sense of deep sustaining peace.
What is your way?
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