I mentioned in last week’s blog that I was noticing joy this year.
I made a journal to draw and letter the joys I notice. (Credit to Lynn Whipple for the idea and name of Joy Stuff.)

I keep my journal by my side during the day so that I can make entries as I notice joys during the day.
They are all simple, everyday things.
A cute dog pose.

A cute dog.

A simple appreciation.

I’m noticing that sometimes I hesitate to sketch something in my journal because I haven’t developed my skill to the level I’d like. Then I remember that isn’t the point. The point is to capture a moment when I feel joy, and then, having savored it, to move on to the next one.
Then, at the end of the year, I’ll have a book of touchstones of the joys in my life.
I’m also noticing that often I pass the joys right by, because my attention is on the thing I am doing or the next thing I will be doing. This makes me sad, missing the joy moments.
But I’m confident that having my journal by my side this year will help me notice and remember that I am flooded with joys all day long.
How do you notice your joys?
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