This year, Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is at 10:33 am 20 March, Central Daylight Time in the United States.
It’s the time that Spring officially begins.
One of the strongest energies of Spring is Awakening.
This Kit invites you to Awaken Joy, right in the midst of personal and/or global challenges. It’s not about pasting a happy face on a challenge. It’s about opening yourself to the full depth and truth of your life experience.
These Alignment Kits come to me very intuitively, and they always turn out to be the Kit that I need too. This seems to be especially true of this one!
I hope you will enjoy this Spring conversation with your soul. The Kit is here.
You may receive more than one notice of this Kit, if you are on more than one of my mailing lists. Apologies, and it just means more love is coming your way from me. 🙂
With my love and blessings,
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