I’m in the Third Act of my life; it just feels that way.
What is my vision for my Third Act? To live as a grateful person.
Not just as a person who thinks grateful thoughts on a regular basis.
One who is infused with a grateful spirit.
It’s my modus operandi.
It’s my disposition.
It’s my way of being in the world.
It’s my natural habitat, my default.
It’s where I live and where I go, even when unwanted things happen.
Of course, that isn’t me right now. It’s my vision and aspiration and commitment.
Many of my friends would describe me as a grateful person, and gratitude does come easily to me, because it has always been important to me to be grateful; I am blessed in countless ways. But now, I am talking about a whole different level.
In truth, I’m at risk for becoming a crabby old lady, if I don’t stay conscious.
For many of us, if we are fortunate enough to reach the Third Act of our lives, there are more challenges than there were in Acts One and Two.
Life just gets a little (or sometimes a lot) harder than it used to be. It’s gradual and incremental, and for me, it would be easy to find myself living on the edge of irritation, rather than living as a grateful being.
How do I nurture and cultivate this way of being? I have some ideas (to come in later posts), but for now, it’s about committing to this aspiration.
Who’s with me?
I love this recognition – I, too, am in my third act.
I enjoy your intentionality and your intention – this is thought-provoking for me.
I notice both gratitude and setting boundaries come up for me. I am saying no to participating in conversations in which I don’t matter and my needs are routinely violated.
So gratitude yes, and also saying no.