Today I was walking with my dog Harper on the edge of a newly tilled field. Harper was exploring the field, looking for treasures that might have been churned up when the field was worked. He is a particular fan of corn kernels that didn’t make it into the combine.
I was enjoying the brisk November sunshine.
It was just last week that Al and his son Jordan were tilling the field with a disk harrow.
I love it when they till the fields, exposing the rich, black chunks of earth that will lie fallow until next Spring, when the earth will be ready to receive the seeds of a new crop.
There is such beauty, to me, in all of this potential. The field looks to me like a field of potential.
It is hopeful: what might appear dead right now is actually teeming with life below the surface, and the earth is readying itself to receive the seeds that will spring into life in just a few months time.
This makes me think about how much untapped potential lies within us.
What if we think of ourselves as a field of potential?
Imagine that you are a rich, fertile field, ready to receive the inspiration that will carry you forward into you into the next phase of your journey. Sit quietly for a few moments, and allow your inner wisdom to inform you. What potential lies within you?
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