Flow has been a good word for July (My 12 Words for 2018), because July has been a clunky month with lots of unanticipated interruptions and distractions. What better environment is there for exploring and practicing Flow, right? What is Flow, in all the chunks and clunks?
I have always loved the word Flow. To me, it is very appealing. It feels purposeful and full of momentum.
I’m strongly kinesthetic, and Flow is a sensing, feeling, touching kind of a word.
I like to move. I have a standing desk so I can move. I’m challenged most when I’m physically impaired in some way and my movement is limited.
But what is Flow, and how do we “be” Flow, or in Flow?
Mid-month, I knew that I needed to quit trying to define it and begin to experience it (duh!).
I quickly realized that I may not be able to define Flow, but I knew when I was “in Flow” and when I wasn’t in Flow.
I’m in Flow when I’m “firing on all cylinders,” mind, body, and spirit.
When I am in Flow:
- My mind is sharp, clear, and focused
- My body is flowing and flexible
- I’m in tune with my deepest self and the spirit of inspiration is flowing
When I’m not in Flow, one or more of those three things is not in sync; mind, body and spirit are not in tune or in synergy.
Flow is that simple. Flow happens when I am in tune with mind, body, and spirit, and each of them is supporting the other.
So, how to sustain Flow?
I’ve been paying attention to Self Care, and to balancing the well-being of my mind, body and spirit. I’ve been making good Self Care essential, not optional. If you want to check in on your own Self Care, here’s a checklist to give you some ideas.
Sustaining Flow, for me, is a matter of keeping mind, body and spirit fine-tuned and in sync with each other.
That is easy to say, but actually living it, practicing it, dare I say “rigorously,” is the next frontier.
I guess that Flow isn’t going to be neatly wrapped up in July. Flow is going to spill into the next month, and probably the next, and maybe the one after that, co-existing with the words for those months.
I certainly don’t want Flow to fall off the radar, because there is one thing that I do know about Flow: Living in Flow is essential to my highest well-being.
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