As I wrote in my last blog post, I’ve committed to walk the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage virtually.
It’s approximately 480 miles long, and at my average daily walking rate of 2.5 – 3 miles, it should take me 6 -7 months.
But that’s the outer journey.
I’m really doing it for the inner journey. To me, a pilgrimage is a spiritual journey into the depths of my heart and soul. It is living my connection to spirit.
I’m doing it because I want to live a more grateful and spiritually connected life.
I want to be a pilgrim.
What is being a pilgrim?
To me, the essence of being a pilgrim is being present to the fullness of life in each moment.
It’s knowing that each moment is sacred, however it might look.
It’s trusting my path: being on the journey of my life unfolding, without having to know where it is going. As a pilgrim, I trust that it is enough to just take the next step.
It is also knowing that it’s possible to experience divinity in every breath, and the beauty and wonder of life in each step.
And, finally, it’s a journey where I walk lightly and carry only what I need.
This is a tall order for me. It is how I aspire to live, but it is only rarely how I experience my life.
And I don’t, right now, have any idea how I live, fully, in this way. But I do know that the way I start is with intention, commitment, and awareness.
I invite you to join me on your own inner journey, the one that is currently calling to you.
What is the inner journey that you are on?
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