I’m within about a month of finishing my 480 mile (775 Km) Camino de Santiago virtual pilgrimage.
I’m beginning to think that my whole pilgrimage has been a quest for joy. This is ironic because joy is already here, for all of us. The ability to feel joy is innate in us. You can see it, naturally occurring, in babies.
There are so many challenges in all of our lives these days, and in the lives of people we love, that it seems as though we deserve to feel all of the joy that’s available to us also.
As I’ve written in prior blog posts, I tend to breeze past a lot of the joys in my life without really taking them in.
I want to soak in all of the joy. I want to fill up with it.
This morning, before I arose, I laid in bed and savored all of the joys of the day-to-be.
I thought about my husband and our dogs, and how much I appreciate and enjoy them.
I thought about each friend that I would connect with that day, and how much I was looking forward to their presence.
I thought about each client whom I would spend time with that day, and how much I love them and am inspired by them.
I thought about the walks I would take and the bits of nature that I would love seeing and feeling.
I thought about the art that I would get to do.
And I just cherished the rhythm of my days.
There is joy everywhere, just as there is love to take in, in our lives, often right in the middle of all of the challenging stuff.
There are joys in gratitude, in anticipation, in memories, in things that we share with others. There is Right Now joy, that I often miss, depending on where my focus of attention is, in any moment.
Where is your joy? Write me and tell me about it.
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