I walked out into the crisp cold Winter night and smelled the wood smoke. Our neighbors heat with wood, and when the wind is in the right direction, the scent of wood smoke drifts over to our house.
The smell of wood smoke says Cozy to me. It says Warm. It says Home.
In the fall, when I first smell wood smoke, it reminds me that Winter is not far off, and that I need to start doing all the things we do to prepare for Winter. I close down the screened porch, and batten down the hatches. I take down and clean the bird houses. I dig out the snow shovels and put away all the garden tools.
Now, the smell of wood smoke is an invitation to savor Winter. I want to savor the cold crisp days and the cozy container of home.
I want to enjoy the rhythm of Winter. It is a slower pace, and sometimes in Winter, I give myself permission for a slower pace.
I like to pay attention to the rhythms of nature. I feel like there is a lot of wisdom in the ebbs and flows of natural rhythms.
Winter is an ebb, even though it can have a fierce power, Winter is an ebb that is preparing for the flow of Springtime.
As I smell the wood smoke, I realize that something deep inside of me still needs the rest, the pulling back, the slower pace and rhythm of Winter.
I appreciate this time. I need to savor it, before the season turns to a busier pace and rhythm.
I am asking myself: What still needs doing in this time of slower rhythm?
And I ask you, too: What do you still want to do, in the quieter pace of Winter?